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    10 common grammatical mistakes to avoid in English

    Discover the most common grammatical mistakes to avoid in English and learn how to improve your language skills. This article explores 10 errors that even proficient English speakers make. Enhance your writing and speaking by understanding these mistakes and following the provided guidance to communicate more effectively in English.

    10 common grammatical mistakes to avoid in English

    Language plays a vital role in effective communication, and mastering the rules of grammar is essential for expressing oneself clearly and accurately. English, as a global language, is spoken and written by millions of people around the world. However, even proficient English speakers can fall prey to some common grammatical mistakes. In this article, we will explore some of these errors and provide guidance on how to avoid them.

    Subject-Verb Agreement

    One of the most common grammatical mistakes is a lack of agreement between the subject and the verb. It is essential to ensure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number. For example, a singular subject requires a singular verb, while a plural subject requires a plural verb.

    The dog bark loudly.

    The dog barks loudly.

    The cat play in the garden.

    The cat plays in the garden.

    In these examples, the incorrect sentences demonstrate a lack of subject-verb agreement, while the corrected sentences show the appropriate agreement between the subject and the verb based on their respective numbers. Remembering to match the subject and the verb correctly helps to maintain grammatical accuracy in English writing and speaking.

    Misplaced Apostrophes

    Apostrophes are often misused, leading to errors in indicating possession or contractions. The most common mistake is using an apostrophe to form a plural noun. Additionally, it's important to differentiate between "it's" (short for "it is") and "its" (possessive form).

    The student's are excited for their exams.

    The students are excited for their exams.

    I have three apple's in my bag.

    I have three apples in my bag.

    In these examples, the incorrect usage of apostrophes in forming plurals is corrected by removing the apostrophes. It is crucial to remember that apostrophes are used for possession (e.g., the student's book) or contractions (e.g., it's for it is), but not for creating plurals.

    Run-on Sentences

    A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are incorrectly joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions. This can lead to confusion and hinder the clarity of the message.

    I went to the store I bought some groceries.

    I went to the store, and I bought some groceries.

    She loves to swim she also enjoys playing tennis.

    She loves to swim, and she also enjoys playing tennis.

    In these examples, the incorrect run-on sentences are corrected by adding the appropriate punctuation (comma) and conjunction (and) to separate the independent clauses. This helps to convey the ideas more clearly and ensures that each thought is properly structured within the sentence.

    Comma Splices

    Similar to run-on sentences, comma splices happen when two independent clauses are incorrectly separated by only a comma, without proper punctuation or conjunctions. This can lead to confusion and disrupt the flow of the sentence.

    I love to read books, it helps me relax.

    I love to read books. It helps me relax.

    The sun was shining brightly, I decided to go for a walk.

    The sun was shining brightly, so I decided to go for a walk.

    In these examples, the incorrect comma splices are corrected by either using a period to separate the independent clauses into separate sentences or by adding a coordinating conjunction (such as "and" or "so") after the comma. This ensures proper sentence structure and clarity in expressing ideas.

    Pronoun Misuse

    Pronoun misuse is a common grammatical mistake that occurs when pronouns do not agree in number or gender with their antecedents. This can lead to confusion and unclear communication.

    Each student should bring his notebook.

    Each student should bring their notebook.

    The doctor told the patient she needs to take her medication.

    The doctor told the patient they need to take their medication.

    In these examples, the incorrect usage of pronouns is corrected by using the pronoun "their" to agree with the singular antecedent "student" and by using the gender-neutral pronoun "they" to refer to a patient of unknown gender. It is important to ensure that pronouns match their antecedents to maintain clarity and avoid any gender-specific assumptions.

    Lack of Parallel Structure

    Lack of parallel structure occurs when items in a list or a series of phrases are not grammatically consistent, leading to confusion and imbalance in the sentence.

    She likes to hike, swimming, and to read.

    She likes to hike, swim, and read.

    The company values teamwork, being efficient, and to have a positive attitude.

    The company values teamwork, efficiency, and a positive attitude.

    In these examples, the incorrect lack of parallel structure is rectified by ensuring that all the items in the list follow the same grammatical pattern. By maintaining consistency in the structure, the sentence becomes more balanced and easier to comprehend.

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    Double Negatives

    Double negatives occur when two negative words are used in the same clause, resulting in ambiguity and confusion in the sentence.

    I don't have nothing.

    I don't have anything.

    She never said nothing to me.

    She never said anything to me.

    In these examples, the incorrect use of double negatives is corrected by replacing the second negative word with its positive counterpart. By eliminating double negatives, the intended meaning becomes clearer and avoids confusion. It is essential to be mindful of the use of negatives in English to convey accurate and unambiguous messages.

    Confusing Homophones

    Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Using the wrong homophone can alter the intended message and lead to incorrect usage and confusion in writing and speaking.

    Their going to the park.

    They're going to the park.

    I need to buy flour, flower, and sugar.

    I need to buy flour, flowers, and sugar.

    In these examples, the incorrect usage of confusing homophones is corrected by using the appropriate homophone that aligns with the intended meaning. It is crucial to pay attention to the context and choose the correct homophone to ensure clarity and accuracy in communication.

    Incorrect Word Order

    In English, word order is crucial for conveying meaning. Placing words or phrases in the wrong order can also lead to confusion. For instance, "Yesterday I saw a bear brown" should be revised as "Yesterday I saw a brown bear."

    Yesterday I saw a bear brown.

    Yesterday I saw a brown bear.

    The car red is parked in the driveway.

    The red car is parked in the driveway.

    In these examples, the incorrect word order is rectified by rearranging the words to follow the standard English word order. By placing the words and phrases in the correct sequence, the sentence becomes more coherent and easier to understand. Proper word order is essential for conveying accurate meaning in English sentences.

    Lack of Agreement Between Pronouns and Antecedents

    Lack of agreement between pronouns and their antecedents occurs when pronouns do not match in terms of gender and number, leading to unclear and incorrect sentences.

    A person should take their time when making a decision.

    A person should take his or her time when making a decision.

    Each of the students completed their assignments.

    Each of the students completed his or her assignments.

    In these examples, the incorrect lack of agreement between pronouns and antecedents is rectified by using gender-neutral pronouns such as "his or her" instead of the plural pronoun "their." It is important to ensure that pronouns agree with their antecedents to convey precise and grammatically correct sentences.


    Mastering the rules of grammar is crucial for effective communication in English. By avoiding common grammatical mistakes we can enhance clarity and precision in our writing and speaking. By remaining mindful of these mistakes and practicing proper grammar, we can improve our language skills and convey our thoughts accurately in the English language.


    Correct the Grammatical Mistakes


    The student's are waiting for there teacher.


    The books on the shelf are belongs to me.


    Each of the boys have finished his homework.


    I haven't seen nobody at the party.


    The dog chased it's tail in circles.


    The team are working hard to achieve they're goals.


    The cat and the dog loves to play in the park.


    They're going to the movies, aren't it?


    He never said nothing to me.


    Their going to the party later tonight.

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