Basic Greetings and Politeness
The first step to connecting with locals in Krakow is mastering essential greetings. Polish people appreciate when tourists make an effort to speak their language.
Remember that "Dzień dobry" is used during the day, while "Dobry wieczór" is appropriate for evening encounters.
Essential Phrases for Getting Around
Navigating Krakow becomes easier when you can ask for directions and understand basic responses.
Ordering Food and Drinks
Krakow's culinary scene is a major attraction. These phrases will help you order with confidence.
The form "Chciałbym" is used by men, while "Chciałabym" is used by women.
Shopping and Numbers
Shopping in Krakow's markets and stores requires knowing basic numbers and shopping-related phrases.
Emergency and Help Phrases
Being prepared for unexpected situations is crucial when traveling.
When asking if someone speaks English, use "pan" for a man and "pani" for a woman.
Cultural Phrases and Expressions
These expressions will help you connect with locals and show respect for Polish culture.