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until, till

It indicates the end of a period of time or the arrival of a limit or destination.

Spanish: Vocabulary in context

Learn vocabulary fast with our interactive module. Learn the 10,000 most frequent words and understand how they are used in context. Flashcards are good. Our module is better.

We cover 93% of the spoken language.

10,000 words sorted by units and ordered by frequency.

Our module covers 93% of the spoken language. This means you learn what's most important words first and avoid wasting time on the rest. Our algorithm surpasses any other language learning tool in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

Our modules make you learn 73% faster and increases your retention rate by 82%.

AI & Spaced Repetition.

AI powered learning:

Our algorithm, powered by advanced AI, intelligently selects the words you should learn. Our algorithm evolves in real time, ensuring a dynamic and personalized learning experience. By continuously analyzing your progress and performance, it refines its recommendations, maximizing the effectiveness of spaced repetition and accelerating your mastery of the vocabulary.

Spaced repetition:

We simplify the learning of the vocabulary effortlessly with spaced repetition. By harnessing the power of strategic intervals, our module optimizes memory recall, allowing you to effectively retain complex vocabulary. For each letter, we ensure you get a profound understanding of the words so you never forget them.

Listen carefully.

Audio included for all words and phrases.

Our module includes audio. This means you learn the correct pronunciation of each word and phrase.

Hasta luego.

See you later.

Hasta más ver.

See you more.

Tengo veinte años.

I'm twenty years old.

Tengo dos manzanas.

I have two apples.

Estoy bien, gracias.

I am fine thank you.

Gracias por tu ayuda.

Thank you for your help.

Hola, ¿cómo estás de ánimo?

Hi, how are you feeling?

Entre semana trabajo mucho.

During the week I work a lot.

Los sonidos del son alegran corazones.

The sounds of the son gladden hearts.

¿Puedes decirme cómo llegar a este lugar?

Can you tell me how to get to this place?


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